Dungarees in the Park: Baby OOTD #1

Who wouldn't love a pair of dungarees? Especially on a baby?

baby wearing dungarees Marks&Spencers
Dungarees Marks&Spencers, hoodie Mayoral, shoes Clarks

I have to confess something. When it comes to baby clothes and matching outfits on babies, I am a bit of an enthusiast. I love mixing and matching and trying to come up with cute combinations for my daughter. I often think she is better dressed than I am. Additionally, her wardrobe is bigger than mine (and I am not over-exaggerating here).

baby on a swing

When she was but a wee little newborn, she had so many clothes we could have survived without a washing machine for two weeks, maybe even more. We used to get loads of baby clothes as gifts and I did occasionally go overboard with buying all those cute little pink outfits... We still get quite a few baby clothes from my (slightly shopaholic) mother and I still do occasionally go into overdrive when I see cute dresses. 

baby in a park

So, because I am quite into dressing up my baby, and I do love taking pictures of her, I thought every once in a while I would do Baby OOTD posts. OOTD stands for 'Outfit of the Day' for those of you new to the blogging world. Mind you, it is tricky taking outfit pictures of a toddler, since what I usually find in my viewfinder is the back of her head, toddling off to do something more fun!

clarks first shoes baby

If you have done any Baby OOTD posts why not link up and add your link as a comment - I'd love to see other baby outfits!

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  1. Oh gosh, you sound SO much like me... Leah has a much bigger wardrobe than all of us put together. Both my kids get bought loads of clothes but when it comes to looking at girls clothes I end up buying so much I shouldn't or quite frankly she doesn't need... only 2 hours ago I spent £40 on her! If you look through my previous posts for #TT_Thursday you will see I am a HUGE fan of dungarees. Your daughters outfit is adorable! Thank you for linking up, we hope to see more of you :-)

    1. Haha I am glad I am not the only one! Girls clothes are so cute I find it difficult not to buy them, even if I know she has enough of them already. I'll definitely have to link up again - nice to share these outfit photos and check out other nice baby / toddler outfits too :)

  2. What a sweet outfit! You've taken some fab photos as well. My boys also have FAR more clothes than I do, it's crazy. Thank you for linking :-)

    1. Thanks :) I know, it is ridiculous, so little and so much outfits to choose from :D What can I say, it is much nicer to splash out on her than me :)

  3. My kids are definitely better dressed than I am, too! I love this outfit! It's perfect for the cooler Summer days and heading into Autumn too! Thanks for linking up with #TT_Thursday xx

    1. Thanks for hosting it! I think it is really nice to have a look at other baby and toddler outfits. Am a bit of an enthusiast when it comes to baby clothes...


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