Our picture wall and the story of our lives

We finally hung our pictures on the wall. Three months isn't too bad a time lag, is it? I know it is one of those running jokes about moving, how you still haven't put the pictures up a year in, but we were getting a bit worried it might be us too. But last weekend we finally buckled up and got down to it.

We decided to have one art wall. Above the sofa, in our living room. I love the way it tells a story of our family. There is a topographic map where me and my husband met (Chamonix, France), a pencil drawing of where he proposed to me (Arc de Triumphe, Paris), the wooden initials used as a table decoration at our wedding, a cast of our new born daughters feet, and a map of our first house together. There are portraits of us, photographs of our little girl, art, all kinds of things that have a meaning for us. Album art signed by Storm Thorgerson, vintage styles metal signs from France. 

We considered having everything in simple white frames but ended up going for a variety of colours, materials, depths, and sizes. This felt a bit more fun, having that unexpected and slightly random variety. And over the years I am sure we will find more pieces to add to this as our lives move on to bigger and better things. 

Are you super-organised and put pictures up soon after a move, or do you lazy around a bit like us? :)


  1. Tosi kaunis tauluseinƤ! MƤ sanoisin ettƤ 3 kk on ihan mahtava saavutus, meidƤn on tarkoitus ollut tehdƤ tauluseinƤ myƶs...Noh, ollaan asuttu nyt yli puoli vuotta asunnossamme ja vielƤkƤƤn siellƤ ei sitƤ tauluseinƤƤ ole....

    1. Kiitos :) He he nƤƤ on nƤitƤ juttuja jotka aina jƤƤ vƤhƤn sikseen... Mut te ootte kyl saaneet tehtyƤ kaikenlaista muuta isompaa juttua siellƤ, ettƤ ehkei se niin nuukaa! :D

  2. Love it, I have picture walls in nearly every room of my house, some more art based, some like this tell a story. Great wall.

    I wonder if you would like to feature some of it on Frame It Friday on my blog xxx

    1. Thank you! So far we have only one picture wall, and some individual pictures in other rooms, but we have some plans to put more up. We shall see!

      And yeah, it would be great to feature it on your blog feature. I checked your blog but didn't find it, so if you want email me wavetomummy (a) gmail.com and we'll set it up.

  3. It looks so great, I'm very jealous and I LOVE the colour on your walls!! I'm now feeling very guilty about being in our house for nearly 2 years and still having about 2 rooms of unpacked boxes ;) X #HomeEtc

    1. Thank you :) The paint is by Little Greene, called French Grey and it is so beautiful live. Nice and mellow. And ha ha, we have LOADS of unpacked boxes still, and a junk room with random stuff... Hopefully in two years we have unpacked though :D

  4. Ahh this is next on our to-do list - putting photos up! You've done well to do it in 3 months, it's been over a year since we moved in haha. I bought some frames last week, now have to choose photos to print out. I love how you've done your wall, it's very eclectic and cool, and you can keep adding to it! Sabrina xx #HomeEtc

    1. Ha well this is one of those things that you just keep on putting off. In a way, it was nice having very clean walls and it always feels a bit icky to start putting nails on them... Good luck in completing yours :)

  5. Ahh I love this, we have a photo wall up the stairs, but I love that you have added more then just photos, its fab. #HomeEtc

    1. This felt like a fun way to combine all kinds of things we have. Thank you :) We might do the stairs next, in the upstairs area.

  6. This is such great timing for me, I am trying to decide on what to hang at the moment. We have been in our house for 18 months, in my defence, we have so many it's been difficult deciding ha! Your wall is gorgeous and I love that you have included your Initials from your wedding and the cast of your daughter's feet xx

    1. Thank you :) It is nice to have some other interests in the wall as well - I do like photographs and it can look stunning as well, but we felt like a bit of a change (before we only had photographs up on the wall). Well, 18 months isn't too bad... It does take time to decide! :D

  7. I love how all the frames are different it looks great and I love how you have balanced the look too. I so need to do a family wall, I have a places wall, it all in black and white with black frames in our kitchen and I love it xx

    1. A places wall - that sounds interesting! You should definitely feature it on your blog if you haven't already :) I am happy the way this wall looks, we started with a few in the middle and then just added to it whatever way we thought it might look nice and balanced.

  8. I adore the mixture of frames - it looks so good! I also really like how you haven't gone down the route of using purely photographs. The topographical map is a brilliant idea. Xxx #HomeEtc

    1. Thank you :) Not everyone in my family agrees with me about the mixture of frames, but I think it looks really smart. The topographical map is one of my favourites, it is really nice and a bit unusual. It works really nicely as it is from the Alps so plenty of height differences :)

  9. LOVE THIS!!!! Looks so amazing.. I have so many frames & soo many pictures that I'm yet to put up but this has given me the motivation to do that.

    1. It's one of those things that are so easy to put off.... But once you start it isn't such a big deal after and it'll go quite quick. I think people put it off as subconsciously they are worried about destroying the wall! :D

    2. That is so true, my house is an old brick house and none of the walls are straight horizontal or vertical so when I put up the shelves in my kitchen and bedroom it was a hard task... I have a canvas in the living room that no matter how much you move it it doesn't look straight at all. Drives me wild.

    3. Ha ha we have got a lot of that going on too - drives me nuts too, with door frames constantly looking pissed! :D Old houses eh?

  10. They look great - I still have pictures to put up after redecorating. Like you I want a picture wall and I'm further complicating it by putting in on a sloped wall - that's my excuse anyway. The other problem I'm imagining is to get them exactly where I want them, so I need to brace myself for that :) #homeetc

    1. A sloped wall - that sounds tricky... I hope you don't mean a sloped wall like coming in on you, as that would never work? If it is like a triangle shaped wall, I think I'd just go for that haphazard look... Mixing sizes and shapes, I think that would look good :)

  11. It looks GORGEOUS! Starting to look fabulous pet!! You must be thrilled :) I've still got some pics that I need to put up ā€” and we've lived in this house for 5 years!! I haven't found the right place for them, is my excuse! ;)

    Thanks so much for linking up with us Sanna! x x#HomeEtc

    1. Thanks for hosting :) It is really starting to look more like a home - and we have had some tradesmen visiting again, who have seen this when it was first gutted and they've been amazed at the transformation. Can't wait to share our final before and after post (been meaning to do one for ages now!) :)

  12. It looks really good doesn't it! I love grouping frames together like that and it makes it a real personal story. I am always moving mine around and have some on the floor spare as a result from buying too many new ones! x Julia @ rainbeaubelle

    1. Thank you :) We still have a few we haven't put up, as it doesn't feel like they fit the wall anymore. I think we will do something similar to you in the future as we are planning on changing the pictures every once in a while to give us a bit of variety :)

  13. Looks amazing :) Love everything you have selected! No this isn't lazy at all - very organised! What a fab space :) Thanks for linking up :) Jess xx #HomeEtc

    1. Thanks for hosting :) I am really liking the look of it, looks a lot more like home now :)


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