Easy cabled cowl: I made this and how you can make one too

In collaboration with Make It Coats

I made this cabled cowl and isn't it just gorgeous! It is warm and cozy, perfect for the winter winds. I've been wearing it non-stop since I finished it a few weeks back, and I am well proud of myself...

My knitting skills were a bit rusty, but it was actually a really easy knit and didn't take too long either. I think even a total beginner could do it - so if you are tempted I've also done a little tutorial for this post! I've included the pattern, but also done a totally beginner-friendly video on how to make this Cabled Cowl for which I used Rowan Big Wool. 

I used to like knitting, but I hadn't done it in years. I was always meant to get back into it. Last summer I went to a conference called Britmums, and got chatting with Make It Coats over there. The conference hosted a craft corner, and Make It Coats guided me back into knitting, showing me the techniques, and practically held my hand as I started my new cowl.

After the conference, long story short, I became a Make It Coats ambassador and they have been helping me to get my beginner-crafts on. This is my first project, and it took a bit longer than I expected as we moved in between, but I am glad I have had some use of this before the end of winter. It was so much fun getting back into knitting, and I have plenty of more crafty projects planned. I might even become one of these people you see in commuting trains with their crochet or knitting project bulging from their handbag, trying to do something useful on those long hours whittled away in transport... Maybe.

The pattern is by Rowan, and the yarn used is Rowan Big Wool. I have used 4 balls, and 10mm knitting needles and one cable needle. Start by casting on 26 stitches and then start doing the pattern.

1st row: knit 26
2nd row: knit 5, purl 16, knit 5
3rd row: knit 26
4th row: knit 5, purl 16, knit 5
5th row: knit5, cable back 8, cable front 8, knit 5.
6th row: knit 5, purl 16, knit 5
7th row: knit 26
8th row: knit 5, purl 16, knit 5
Continue the pattern until about 4 balls have been used, finishing on 8th row. Leave enough yarn to cast off and to sow the ends together. About 1.5 meters should do!

And if that is totally alien language to you (as it was to me when I began this project) I've made a tutorial video which shows ALL the steps from the very beginning to the very end (e.g. from casting on to weaving the ends), so even if you are a total beginner, you can have a go. 

I spent AGES making that video - I have never made one before and it was actually quite good fun. Maybe I should start to do some vlogging too, or what do you think? :)

Have you done any knitting and what do you think of it?


  1. Tykkään noista löyhistä palmikoista. Ja kaunis purppura, sopii sulle. Mulla on aina pari neuletta tekeillä, joten neulepostaukset kiinnittää huomion. -T.

    1. Voi kiitos kiitos! Mä mietin tota purppuraa, ja vähän mietin että olisko sittenkin tullut valittua liian tumma väri. No, ei mulla kyl kauheesti valinnanvaraa ollut valitessa, tais olla vaan kaks väriä tarjolla! :)

  2. Moi Sanna! Oli hauska yllätys tavata eilen Sun kutoma-postaus ja kuva mun Facebookin sivustolla, se sattunut sinne ilmeisesti ylläolevan kommentoijan puolesta. Minä olen kutonut ja virkkanut nuorempana paljon, yliopiston aikana tein sitä myös rahasta tilaustöinä. Kun neuka-aikoina Virossa kaupoista ei saanut mitään kivaa ja muodikkasta, se oli tehtävänä itse. Muistan erään tapauksen kun olin menossa Tallinnaan tapamaan tuonaikaista kirjetoveria Länsi-Saksasta, oli sovittu treffit Tallinnassa sen pojan kanssa. Kutosin itselle just sireenikukkien väristä palmikko-mekkoa ja kun aika tuli jo loppumaan ja oli kiire päällä, mekosta tuli aika super-mini! Mutta nätti siitä tuli ja sain myös kehut omista taidoistani. Joskus on aika kiva tehdä jotain ihan omilla käsilläni, olis vaan enemmän aikaa sellaiseen.

    1. Hah aika hauska juttu - kiva tosiaan jos tää postaus on ollut avuksi jollekin. Tää on kyl tosi kiva huivi :)

      Ihana tarina, he he, voin vaan kuvitella kuinka viimeiset rivit tuli neulottua oikein tulipalokiireellä :D Toi on tosiaan totta että on kiva tehdä joskus itse kun saa jotain uniikkia, ja muutenkin nähdä se oman käsien jälki, onhan siitä ylpeämpikin kuin jostain ostetusta vaatteesta. Vaikeeta vaan löytää aikaa näin aikuisena muitten töitten lomassa!

  3. Lovely colour and how fab for winter! Looks greta on you :) Well done xx

    1. Thank you :) I am really pleased how well it turned out, I have been wearing it a lot recently :)


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