My most popular posts from 2016

I thought it would be interesting to delve into my top posts from 2016 and see which ones were the most popular. I have a broad understanding of what has been popular on my blog but I have never actually put in the 10-15 minutes needed to look into my analytics to find out what do people actually read over here at Wave to Mummy. I've chosen to focus on the ones that were published in 2016 and the ones that have been most viewed throughout the year.

It was quite enlightening actually!  Unsurprisingly, posts with an added giveaway were super popular. They took the top five spots. As the posts are actually quite good and I think very useful I've decided to share them here with you so you can see them too - they range from travel tips to product reviews.

toddler sitting on trunki suitcase in front of a plane

How to entertain toddlers at airports

This post shares tips on how to entertain toddlers at airports, ranging from ideas to pack with you to what to do when you are at the airport. We have travelled a lot and this is what works for us. There are also brilliant tips in the comments.

toddler using a tidy books box

Introducing clever book storage solution for children: Tidy Books Box

I've worked with Tidy Books a few times and I am a big fan of their products. I reviewed their book storage box, and really loved it. It currently lives in our living room and houses all the migrating kids books and also some of my magazines.

child looking at baby annabell doll in box

Right before Christmas I shared a review of the new 2016 Baby Annabell doll - my daughter loved it and loved the baby noises the doll made. And it appears lots of other people loved it too!

sense organics dress hem

Sense Organics was a totally new kids wear brand for me and I reviewed a gorgeous penguin dress and a top from them - and did a giveaway too. There are a few more items I so want to get from them still...

trunki swimming bag spike the blowfish

How to have a great trip to the swimming pool with kids

In this post I gave tips on how to have a great trip to the swimming pool with kids, including tips on what to pack and how to encourage swimming. In this post I also reviewed Trunki swimming bag range. There are some wonderful tips from readers in the comments too. 

The other five are a range of personal posts on various issues - from raising my daughter to travel. 

smiling toddler

The trials and tribulations of trying to raise a bilingual toddler

I've been finding it hard raising my daughter bilingual and I shared some of the issues we have had recently. We have had many, form her refusing to speak in my language to just plain practical problems.

toddler standing in front of a blackboard with nursery drawings

My daughter has been back home with her daddy and now at three years of age, she has finally started nursery. I was feeling surprisingly emotional about her start at the nursery.

moomin family waving at you at moomin house

If you have never heard of Moomins you are seriously missing out! Moomin World is one of my favourite Finnish attractions and I shared our visit there, with some top tips on how to get the most out of it. We had actually visited Moomin World already in 2015, I just was seriously late in writing my post!

our picture wall in our living room

You know how it takes a while to put everything in it's place after moving in... After several months of living in our new home we finally got our pictures and other artwork on the wall and I love it. Our picture wall shows the story of our lives - there are pictures representing the places we have been and things we have experienced.

summer clothes from lilly and sid brand hanging on a rail

In the summer of 2016 I visited Bubble London, which is a kids wear trade show. I got to meet loads of brilliant companies and had a sneak peek of the spring and summer fashion for 2017. Not all companies were happy for me to photograph their closely guarded secrets, but luckily a few were cool about it. 

child sitting at a table on stokke tripp trapp chair

And as my most popular post ever... This has become my most viewed individual post in 2016 so I thought I would show it to you guys here even if it was actually published 2015. We are huge Stokke fans and bought pretty much every single accessory for the Stokke Tripp Trapp chair. So I decided to write a review explaining which Stokke Tripp Trapp accessories are worth buying. It now ranks quite high on Google results and is viewed by several people every day. Result!

What did you think of these posts? What have been your most viewed posts?


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