6 funny ways my kid tries to avoid sleeping

My kid has some right funny ways of avoiding sleep. Trying to get a three year old to go to bed without too much aggravation is, well frankly, futile. The ways my daughter has tried to get out of bedtime has had me laughing so many times. Here are a collection of her best sleep-shunning techniques. 

how my kid tries to avoid sleeping - girl standing in bed holding her teddies

1. One time I heard her jumping in her bed. I got up to her room, told her in a stern voice "Go to sleep, head on the pillow, NOW!". To which she responded by closing her eyes, walking in circles in her cot-bed and said back to me "Mummy, I'm sleep walking!"

Honestly, I could not handle it - I totally cracked up and giggled for a long time afterwards. 

2. Quite a few times she has also had these weird and random rambling play sessions in bed. I think we have given her a few too many soft toys to cuddle in her bed. So one night, instead of going to her room to tell her off I decided to sit outside her room and listen in. And this is what I wrote down.  

"Bunny, what are you doing? 
It is dangerous, I said it many times. Bad behaviour bunny!"
"I'm going to be scared, I'm a little bunny."
"Oh no I'm happy. Oh no I'm not angry, I'm not mean. I'm very friendly to you. Be quiet, here is your pop corn."
"Nam nam nam. More!"
"Here's pop corn for you."

"Did you eat my pop corn? Oh no my favourite pop corn."
"What have you eaten? My pop corn!"
"Oh no that's not good, we have to get some more from the shops Skye."

"I can come"
"Here is pop corn."


"Thanks you"
"Here's a cake from me Chase."

"Um nononnom nom"

And just to give you guys a bit of back ground - pop corn is possible her favourite food, and she is a big fan of both Paw Patrol (Chase and Skye are two main characters) and bunnies.

how my kid tries to avoid sleeping - pulling a funny face in cotbed

3. One recent gem happened as I put her to bed. She closed her eyes like a good girl, was under the duvet, relaxed. And suddenly she opened her eyes and smiled. I asked her "Why are you not sleeping? You need to sleep now". To which she said "I already slept. It's morning! Time to get uuuuup!". Yep. I tried keep a straight face while trying to sternly tell her it is her bedtime now... Guess how well that went? 

4. She quite often likes to sing to herself, and we get a rendition of a random selection of nursery songs, and sometimes slightly skewed lyrics. Such as 

"Too many Skye's, jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped her head,
Aili called the doctor and the doctor said:
No more pups jumping on the bed"

5. Guilt tripping is a speciality of hers. We have heard it all so far. There has been the fake tears and the fake wailing, which are quite easy to distinguish from real honest sad crying and wailing. It is the pauses. The little pauses between sobs which are for listening what the parental response is. And if there is no parental response there might be a bit of an increase in intensity by adding phrases such as "Why doesn't my mummy hear me? I miss my mummy!" or "Why is my daddy not coming to me? I love him."

little girl smiling and holding teddies - how my kid tries to avoid sleeping

6. And perhaps the sweetest one of them all has been the times when she just does not want to go to bed, and just wants that one more kiss. That one more cuddle. When she, after being given cuddles, being put to bed, having been read a story and sang a song, goes for the one more cuddle before bed time.
This happens usually as I close the door and I am about to go down the steps I hear a little voice shouting "I need a kiss mummy! You didn't cuddle me, I want a cuddle!"

It is just one of those little request, no matter how much she needs to go to bed, I just can't refuse. Seriously, could you? 

How do your kids try avoid going to sleep? Any similar techniques?

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  1. Oh that is too funny - especially the sleep walking! We've had "because I just love you" a few times for reasons for being out of bed and because my girls share, I get to listen in on quite a few of their chats while their brother is falling asleep which are usually priceless!

    1. Ha ha yes those chats - I've heard from friends whose children share that it is pretty hilarious listening to them :D my daughter has been talking that she wants to share with her future siblings too :D

  2. I'm loving the Paw Patrol rhymes! My girls take so many to bed I have no idea how they fit in #theordinarymoments

    1. I know - it is ridiculous! I swear she's soon not going to be able to fit in with all them :D

  3. They like to try every tactic don't they? One last of everything and so on. At Christmas it hit a head - she wouldn't sleep because she was so excited about the elves coming and kept coming in through the night! #TheOrdinaryMoments

    1. Ha ha bless - Christmas is such a special time though, no wonder she was getting up :D Ha ha not that wonderful for parents though :D

  4. They are little monkeys aren't they - I've never understood why they don't just go to bed!

    1. Silly little buggers they are :D I guess it is so much more fun being grumpy and tired :D

  5. I love hearing the ways little ones try to avoid sleep. They are so clever more than we ever give them credit for. My two have try numerous things to avoid the inevitable. lol Popping over #ordinarymoments

    1. So true - kids are very clever. Some of the humour I've had from her has been absolutely hilarious. I think she's much better at telling jokes than I am for example :D

  6. Haha I love those photos. I've always been pretty strict and lucky that we haven't had too much of this with the eldest or littlest yet but I feel it might be to come!

  7. This is so funny! Children will do anything to get out of going to sleep won't they?! x

    1. It is ridiculous isn't it - my favourite is the "I love you" tactic. They really know what to pull don't they :D

  8. That's how they always win because they know we adore them. Sleep-walking one made me chuckle

    1. It is so difficult to keep a straight face.. I had to turn away today in the supermarket with one of her tantrums :D

  9. Oh the sleep walking made me chuckle and I loved the conversation with her bunny. Sophie used to do the fake crying too. It's funny how little ones try to avoid bedtime - the more one kiss and cuddle is hard to resist! Thanks for linking up to #ftmob :-)

    1. Ah the fake crying... it is so irritating and so see-through :D It is funny though if you manage to block it out. Thank you for hosting! :)

  10. She has such a nice expressive face!

  11. Heh :D Tutulta kuulostaa myös täällä, Suomen maalla! Hyvä nähdä nukkumaanmenorumban koomiset piirteet nimenomaan koomisina. (Mitä nyt englanninkielen taidollani ymmärsin.)

    Miten muuten hän puhuu suomea nykyään?

    Olen vanhan blogin lukija, nyt tulin kurkkaamaan kuulumisianne.

    1. Sitähän se on - voi joko nauraa tai itkeä näille. Nauraminen tekee tän vähän helpommaksi :D

      Kiva kun tulit poikkeamaan! Hyvin puhuu suomea itseasiassa nyt, alku hankaluuksien jälkeen. Englantia toki puhuu paremmin, ja suomeksi on verbien taivutus vähän hakusessa, mutta muuten onnistuu hyvin lauseenmuodostus jo.

    2. Onpa kiva kuulla,että teillä on toinen suomenpuhuja perheessä! :)

  12. Kolmevuotiaat eivät yleensä nuku enää pinnasängyssä. Pitkälti tuo pelaaminen johtuu siitä. Miksi hän nukkuu edelleen?

    1. Meilläkin reilu 2-v. nukkuu pinnasängyssä. Hänelle on tehty oma kolo, josta pääsee pinnojen välistä sisälle. Jonkun silmään sekin voisi vaikuttaa kummalliselta :D mutta en myöskään usko sen vaikuttavan nukkumisrumbaan. Meillä se on ainakin sekä oman tahdon harjoittelua että pelkoa äidistä eroamisesta. Nukahtaa siis vielä äidin viereen tai syliin, mistä siirretään pinnasänkyyn. Se on kuitenkin helpoin tapa rauhoittua, ja näillä mennään toistaiseksi...

    2. No en usko että pelaaminen johtuu pinnasängystä - muutenhan se olisi sitä sängystä pois hyppäämistä. Mutta eipä sille mitään erityistä syytä ole - ei ole vaan tullut otettua pois. Joka kerta painavaa tyttöä nostaessa mietin että missäköhän se jakoavain olikaan :D


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