Do you think you can play out when it is freezing?

When it is -24 Celsius degrees out you aren't too sure if going out to play is that wise. That's what we faced when we were in Finland during Christmas. The fact is though, you can absolutely play outside when it is freezing. 

It is all about preparation. 

a child wearing ski clothing and playing out in freezing weather

father and daughter walking on a frozen beach

frozen beach in finland

a child playing in snow wearing ski clothing

They say in Scandinavia that there is no bad weather. There is just bad clothing. For properly freezing weather kids best wear balaclavas on their heads, and a couple of woollen mittens - one thin and one thick on top. Ski clothing is the best for playing out in the snow. Proper layering helps, and the most crucial thing about layering is that you try and create air between the layers. Think wool and fleece for best results. Shoes should have a thick sole, and not be too packed with socks. It is the air which really makes the difference. 

And while our daughter was dressed appropriately in her brand new ski gear, us parents weren't quite that prepared. My toes were freezing, as I had running shoes, and my legs were freezing as I had jeans on. Thankfully my jacket was a thick down jacket and my felt mittens were perfect for sub-zero temperatures. We were sort of half prepared - mainly our to halves. 

child playing with grand father in snow

frozen beach view framed with trees

father and daughter on a frozen jetty

father and daughter playing in snow

a child lying in snow wearing ski clothing

The best clothing to play out in freezing weather

mum and daughter in freezing Finland and smiling

mother and daughter playing in snow in Finland

mum cuddling daughter in freezing outdoors

We did pop inside every once in a while to warm up our toes and cheeks, and then it was out in the snow again! 

The cold really does hit you. Your breathing is more laboured. Your nose and cheeks feel a pinch and burn. Your breath creates little droplets on your scarf and starts freezing over. Probably the worst thing that affected the photographer me that I am though was that my camera kept running out of charge. I had to dig the batteries out every once in a while and warm them in my hand... But when you are having fun it is a small price to pay. We run around in the snow, dug snow holes, hacked ice, had a lightsaber jedi fight... As you do.

And then after an hour or so it was time to go inside and de-frost. 

So yes, you can play out when it is freezing. Even if it is -24 Celsius. And it will be just as fun as any other time, although it might not be for a very long time!

What is the coldest temperature you have experienced? 


  1. We were in Finland last Christmas and had the same temperatures but were out all day enjoying skiing and sledding (it's easier to just get everyone dressed and undressed the once!!) Now living in Sweden this is our daily attire for everyday of the winter season and we are outdoors EVERY day without fail for a hike or play!! Your weather looks glorious and beautiful and very much like everyone was having a lot of fun in the snow! #countrykidsfun

    1. So you are well accustomed to this then :) It is true though that when you are quite active, like sledding etc you do forget it is so cold. It is a pain getting dressed, yep, we usually did just one outing too! :)

  2. It's great that you went out and enjoyed the snow, even if you were facing sub-zero temperatures! I love the philosophy that there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing and I've definitely tried to adopt it for my lot here on the farm. You can see from all the smiles that the time playing the snow was great fun no matter what the temperature was.

    Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.

    1. Yeah that's a pretty good saying - I only heard it fairly recently and it really does work. Speaking of bad weather, I'm not too keen on going out in rain, but with good rain jackets that too isn't too bad. Thanks for hosting :)

  3. I think we are going to have to go away next year to see snow. Looks like a lot of fun. Appropriate clothing makes all the difference and love her little ski coat x

    1. That sounds great! I hope you really enjoy it. This ski jacket was great, it is from Muddy Puddles :)

  4. I guess you had lot of fun in Finland, even though sub-zero degrees. But I have a little out-of-topic guestion: In which language she's talking with her grandparents and other relatived? Does she start to use more Finnish when you are in Finland?

    1. While we were in Finland she was a bit funny and would speak to them in English. She understood things said in Finnish though. It wasn't really until after the holiday that she has finally started to properly speak Finnish too, and forming good sentences. Maybe she was encouraged while there? Or perhaps just got the hang of it during the holiday and felt finally comfortable enough when we got back?

  5. Wow that is cold! My wife wouldn't venture out in that temp, she is freezing constantly. Think I would love to see what it was like though.

    1. It isn't too bad to be honest! Just as long as you dress up warm :) And wear woolly socks :)

  6. That's some wintery weather! Totally agree that preparation is key when playing in sub-zero temperatures. Looks like you had fun x #CountryKids

    1. It really felt like proper winter - it was nice to experience that as here in London it is usually just rain rain rain :)

  7. As a Scandinavian I can only say yes, yes and yes! I have so many fond memories of playing out in the snow as a kid, wearing my waterproof snowsuit and balaclava, mittens and boots! Those pictures are lovely l with the winter sun lighting up the snow xx #countrykids

    1. Thank you :) And yes, balaclavas... I hated them as a kid, but I gotta say they are far the most practical hat you can get your kid to wear!

  8. I think it's great to get out in the fresh air even if it's cold. It is true about layering. The cold can be bite. #countrykids

    1. Layering is the most important thing really!

  9. This looks amazing! When there is all that snow it would be a real shame for them not to play in it! The snow gear looks great, I didn't realise that they did snow gear, had them down as puddle suits only! Beautiful photos stopping by from #countrykids

    1. Thank you :) Oh yes, Muddy Puddles do quite a range of outdoor clothes for kids - I was really impressed by this ski wear and it definitely kept her warm :)

  10. Wow it is so stunning and amazing and wonderful that you still manage to get out and enjoy even the coldest weather! Bet it is worth feeling cold though, and lovely to get back in the warm afterwards! Xx

    1. I think we really had to - we would have gone stir crazy being stuck indoors with a threenager ha ha! She enjoyed playing out though so that was most important :) Was nice coming back inside though :)

  11. Thank you :) It was so nice to be able to play in snow - there wasn't much of it, but glad we had some, even if it was pretty harsh temperature :)

  12. Great article!
    There will always be rainy or snowy days where it’s not possible to play outside. But that shouldn’t limit your energetic activities! Allow it to encourage you to enjoy the good weather.


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